Thursday, February 23, 2006



Post 1 of 11

This blog is about the U.S. individual income tax system. In case you have not already heard, it is a voluntary system. Of course, you have to structure your affairs carefully in order to make a proper and legal choice not to volunteer. The system is definitely setup for those who volunteer, in fact, you will have a hard time finding many who have not volunteered. And most of the people you meet cannot even tell you when it was they volunteered, which is to say that the system is extremely good at perpetuating compliance. If you doubt my word about the voluntary nature of income taxes, would you believe Margaret Milner Richardson, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service? In 1993 she stated, “Thank you for making this nation’s tax system the most effective system of voluntary compliance in the world.”

The crucial question is whether or not it is possible to make the choice to not volunteer in a manner that does not create more problems than its worth. Obviously my answer is yes, but not for everybody. Structuring your life in order not to volunteer to be liable for income taxes may involve giving up some of the advantages our banking and business systems offer only to players of the IRS game. Of course most of the people I expect to be most interested in the information I have to offer are probably not going to be inconvenienced by giving up those advantages. Those who are most likely to gain advantage from the banking and business systems probably have enough money that they can afford to hire professionals to play the game for them and would be highly inconvenienced, if not persecuted for attempting to structure their affairs in the ways I present.

I also want to make it clear that I am only dealing with the income tax system and not any other taxes. The income tax system is the only one which has the voluntary compliance phrase attached to it, the others are mandatory for those made liable by law and have never been claimed to be nor ever mistaken for voluntary.

This blog is presented with the understanding that the author/publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, financial, or other professional advice. If expert assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought. This material is presented for educational, informational and philosophical purposes only. The reader is strongly encouraged to investigate all assertions made herein by personal investigation of the public record.


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